Better World, Better Life

For Better World, the ease of blockchain system technology helps users in their activities. TEMINDO (Teknologi Mandiri Indonesia) was established in 2010. PT. Temindo has been providing blockchain based business automation solution for wide range of companies in Indonesia. Temindo provide blockchain system in every its products. The purpose to implement blockchain is to increase productivity for more complex business transaction. Blockchain will create collaboration for business with high data security.



Collaboration & integration with the flexible and adaptive platform


Creation and application of technology to monitor and control in all business elements.


Able to investigate a problem and find the ideal solution

Temindo and SDG
Seeing the murky river water and river in Indonesia, especially Jakarta, has damaged the ecosystem of animals and plants. Rubbish that has accumulated at the edge of the river pollutes water, thus making the lives of animals and plants around it die. Rita is an active student in keeping the environment clean for the sake of preserving the ecosystem for the future. Replace the use of disposable plastic by bringing your own drinking water and disposing of trash according to its category. Whereas Goal 12 in sustainable development is to guarantee sustainable patterns and consumption. The targets consist of achieving the 10-year implementation of a responsible consumption and production framework, managing chemicals and B3 waste, and achieving sustainable business practices.Ledgernow will also help to be able to change their mindset and habits in order to protect the natural wealth by maintaining cleanliness and the environment. So that the ecosystems of animals and plants are not disturbed by the garbage that they throw carelessly. Ledgernow also helps people to use nature in harmony and not too much. With ledgernow, goal 12 ensures that sustainable patterns and consumption will be easily realized.

With PureHeart, Let's Makes the Better World With Us


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    Ariobimo Sentral Level 8
    Jalan H. R. Rasuna Said Kav X-2 No. 5,
    Kuningan Timur, Setiabudi,
    Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
    Indonesia, 12950